**A review of Bruce Taylor’s book Edward: Dancing on the Edge of Infinity**
There are two aspects to Edward: Dancing on the Edge of Infinity. They are very different aspects, but I love both.
First, the story. From birth to death, Edward is followed throughout his life, in each major moment, and major place. Where he makes decisions, where he regrets, where he tries to reach out beyond his grasp. Sometimes we are watching him from above, and sometimes we’re right there in his skin, next to his soul.
This is beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time.
Bruce Taylor brings a great voice to this story. I’m a fan of Vonnegut’s absurdist view of humanity’s position in the Universe, and I love reading a thread of that in this book. I’m a fan of Disch’s sad keening for broken dreams, and I love reading a thread of that here, too. But Taylor’s not simply walking a path previously walked — these are only touchstones of familiarity. Taylor’s voice is different. Soft at times, hard at times, unforgiving at times, but not once does he lose track of the fact that we all struggle toward a better us, that we’re all deeply scarred, but still struggling to be better. Even despair feels hopeful.
That aspect alone makes me love this book.
Then there’s a technical aspect.
Most of us have written papers in one or more word processors and used the footnotes feature. Automatically formatted footnotes are great.
For people who like to push technology, this is a challenge.
I may be totally off, but in my mind’s eye, Taylor sat down and faced off against his computer and declared a State of War thusly: “If you think you can footnote anything, then it is on, my digital friend!”
I don’t know how many footnotes are in Edward: Dancing on the Edge of infinity. Hundreds, perhaps.
But wait — these aren’t ordinary footnotes. No, no!
Taylor has woven a completely different narrative in the footnotes — one that weaves itself independently throughout the principle story of Edward’s life, as well as billowing in maniacal directions all of its own.
This is extremely clever. Extremely. I haven’t seen a meta-narrative designed this well since I read Anthony’s Tarot series, and this book’s take on it is much more entertaining.
That aspect alone makes me love this book.
Two books in one, clever, beautiful, heartbreaking at times, and a genuine pleasure to read.
Please check it out!
Bruce’s book can be found on Amazon.