Adults tell children “No, you can’t do that. Stop that. Put that down. Don’t put that in your mouth. Only one cookie. No ice cream after eight. No watching five episodes of Battlestar Galactica in a row” and when kids object, adults tell them “When you live in your own house and pay your own bills, you can make your own rules.”
Continue reading “I Think the Needle Needs to Point in the Opposite Direction.”A “Gilligan’s Island” Kind of Life
When I was a kid, and on those rare occasions when the TV worked, I liked watching Gilligan’s Island.
(If you haven’t seen it, then honestly, you need to watch a few episodes. In fact, watch a lot of episodes. Gilligan’s Island is a brilliant metaphor for society. It’s okay, I’ll wait until you get a few episodes under your belt. Okay, ready? Let’s continue… )
Continue reading “A “Gilligan’s Island” Kind of Life”Step one…
Someone asked me if I had any advice for people who might be just starting out on a path that included multiple adult partners. Who knew? So, I gave it a go.
Continue reading “Step one…”